Monday, October 03, 2005

Welcome to OCTOBER!!!

WELCOME TO OCTOBER EVERYONE!!! Pardon my enthusiasm but wow, it is October. October happens to not only be my favourite month but statistically the most favored month of the year by people and some of them don't know it or know why. Friends I am here to enlighten you on why.

Before I go any further, whenever I tell people, "Oh, October is my favourite month of the year," they ask me a weird question. "Is your birthday this month?" What has that to do with anything. Please somebody explain to me why and if that is even relevant. Anyway, moving on to more interesting thing.

October is the BEST month of the year and I am here to tell you why it separates itself for the rest. So hang on people.

1. October undoubtedly has the best weather. It gives you everything, heat, cold, rain, dryness. If you love the heat and its cold, the sun is usually out to toast your buns a little.

2. If you love sports, well congratulations. Why? Because Baseball is in its post-season, Football is fully in season and so is soccer (European Leagues) and if you love basketball and hockey, they are in their preseason. All major sports are on and even some minor sports are on.

3. If you are a student, you have probably settled into the grove of school but grades are not an issue yet. I mean, you have two months to get through whatever slump you are in and to get into a grove. If you are a parent, your kids look more confident and have more moxy or mojo.

4. For all you ladies out there, you entire wardrobe is open to you. Short Sleeves, long sleeves, sweats, dresses, shoes open, shoes closed, flip flops.

5. If you love the outdoors and love doing stuff outside, you can do whatever you want to do and don't have to worry as much about the heat or getting sun burnt. Go to the park, take longer walks, runs, lose weight. You can go Sky Diving, jump off a bridge, para-sailing, scuba diving. The list is endless.

6. Candy galore because of Halloween. I mean, candy calories in October do not count because it is an accepted practice. You get to dress funky for Halloween and no one thinks you are a dork.

7. Christmas is around the corner but far enough away where you can plan and budget and not feel rushed. Plus if you buy something for someone and your relationship changes for the better or worse, you have enough time to make the appropriate changes.

8. Gas mileage is best in October. Why? You don't need your A/C to combat the heat and if you never had A/C, turn on the fan and a nice breeze. You don't have to deal with warming your car up yet so you can hold off your jealously for those with Auto start.

9. Sales, Sales, Sales. Sales on everything you need next summer are great in October. From a New Car (from dealers trying to makes space for the next year's Models), a Motorcycle (prices drop because no one rides in the winter), summer clothes, summer vacation, the list is endless.

10. Everyone is nicer in October, why? Because of the nine reasons above. Cops smile more, service is restaurants are great, moms, dads, kids are all gleaming with the October buzz.

Guys, I can keep going on and on but I have stuff to do. Have a pleasant and most enjoyable October.

Oh, by the way, my birthday is October 26 in case you wanted to know ;-).


Libbers said...

oh my. yes, every reason why october is the best, and october 3rd in particular is the best day of the year. may I steal this list to post on my blog? I'll give you full credit!

Ugo said...

Libby, it will be an honor.

Anonymous said...

Yes, October is the best. I personally find that October 9 is the best day, but that is because each year I can be a little older on that day. I agree with you wholeheartedly, Ugo.