Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Blogging Time! Olympics, Job Update, DNC, CPA, Obama and the Fleeting Fall Season

Ah! Been so long since I have blogged but I have a lot to cover so I will get on it! For whatever reason, I feel fired up this morning...it may be the little sleep and coffee working me but that is the story of my life. So I got a few topics to cover so let's go!

Olympics- Simply put, the 2008 Beijing Olympics were the best in History, period! Okay, take away the allegations about societal oppression and the smog laden city and yes, BEST OLYMPICS EVER! Maybe the smog wasn't so bad because World and Olympic Records was getting toasted like flaming pop tarts...in all sports. The two stories that will resonate beyond the Games would be the domination of Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt in swimming and track respectively. Between the both of them 8 world record fell...EIGHT! These guy weren't just winning, they were embarrassing the record books. Case in point with the 9.69s record in the 100m set by Insane Bolt...he did it while having time to spread his arms and thump his chest before crossing the finish line. I have to admit that as much as I pulled for him, watching him run with so much ease was sickening. I still say that his feats will resonate worldwide more than Phelps but both are equally impressive.

Job Update- Job is going well...

DNC- Now that Olympics are over, the Party Conventions will dominate my TV screen (when I have time that is) for the next couple of weeks. Right now, the Democratic National Convention (DNC) is going on and I will tune into some of that but it is really interesting drama with the Clintons. I am looking forward to the acceptance speech I must say. I know...geek alert.

CPA...2 exams down, two to go. I was lucky enough to have almost a 3 week break. Problem now is breaking out of the break which is 3 days overdue. My life is effectively over till the 12th of November. But we press on.

Obama- I want to say something about this dude. The GOP has done a GREAT job painting this guy as so many things negative. Some personally outlandish and downright silly. I guess what I want to say is that you can learn a lot about a guy from how he has raised his family and if I am judging between both presidential candidates on that, I have to go with Barack still. I think Paul says in Timothy (paraphrasing here), if a man can't take care of his family, how can he lead in the church and I think there is a parallel with running a country. But what do I know.

Fall Season- Football, Futbol, Changing Leaves, Great Weather, Baseball Playoffs, Heroes, Presidential Elections, My birthday...these are a few of my favorite things!