I try not to take too many things personal but sometimes I don't do too well. But for the most part, I reason based on what seems reasonable and logical. I like a good logical argument whether I agree with the deliverer or not. However, I can't stand illogical reasoning especially if it is something I truly believe in. That said, I am going to address something that I strongly believe in and I will try to address it with logic.
One of the biggest years in the history of politics just past us by in 2004. It was big enough that a record number of people voted both for the winner of the Presidential elections and for the loser. That is to say that no one has ever had as much votes as George Bush in the history of the United States. As far as I know, the second closest was John Kerry in the same election. That is how big the political atmosphere in the U.S. was in 2004.
The majority of people who voted for George Bush cited morality as their reasoning for their vote and while I don't disagree with them, I do want to address a common thinking among Christians especially evangelical Christians.
I will start by saying that I am an Evangelical Christians and I believe in the Bible, word for word from the beginning to the end. However, I completely disagree with the notion among evangelical Christian circles that states that you should vote Republican or you should not vote Democrat. Evangelical Christians cite morality as their reasoning but what exactly is that? Are we saying that there are different levels of morality. Are we saying that we can pick and choose from these different levels of morality? Are lying and supporting abortion (two things I completely disagree with) different levels of morals? Not according to the bible. In the gospels, Jesus specifically states that if you disobey one of my commandments, you have disobeyed all. That in my opinion puts lying, cheating, abortion, adultery, fornication and homosexuality on the same level. The argument can be made that the human effects varies from sin to sin but the act itself in the eyes of God are equally wrong.
Do we all agree with that as Christians? I mean this is not Rocket Science.
I have been somewhat of a constructive vocal critic of both the Democratic and Republican parties because both of them are screwed up in their own different ways. But I really want to focus one something that I have been attacked on several times.
I live in Kansas which is located in the heart of the RED states and because of that, if I mention anything that sounds like criticism of the Bush administration, I might as well have said that I was a member of the Nazis because, the glares and remarks I receive are nothing short of bitter. But is it right to criticize leadership or is that a right that democracy affords us.
Is John Kerry or any member of the Democratic Party a Saint? No, absolutely not but neither is anyone from the Republican party. Many evangelical cite two major issues against the Democratic party- support for abortion and support of homosexuality. Okay, I have problems with both. But what of the Bush Administration's lies (oops, did I just call a spade a spade) about the WMDs in Iraq? Was that wrong? Was the real reason, liberating the Iraqi people were there other questionable agendas? Don't ask me because I truly don't know. Or the questionable background of the President (dude, don't bring that up)? What of the Bush economic policy that clearly favors big corporations over the average Joe? Or the tax policy that favors the rich over the poor? And please don't give me the spill of them paying the most taxes. I know what trickle down economics and sometimes it doesn't trickle all the way down. What of the administration's environmental policies? Are all these issues inherently linked to morality one way or the other?
Trust me, the Democratic parties have a lot of issues but they are not my focus right now. Do you understand way Jesus lived his life? He wasn't here for the Pharisees, he was here for the sinners, the poor, the tax collectors, the prostitute, the ones whom society had frowned upon.
My point is that to even hint that a person who is Christian has to vote Republican is borderline immoral in my opinion because we have no basis to judge them. The Republican party for so long have ridden the wave of a morality platform for so long because too many people are so lazy or scared to really pay attention to what they are really doing. The GOP knows this because the average American would like to think of themselves as moral.
Truth is that as an evangelical Christian, no one says a word if you mention that you voted Republican. No one even asks you why. If you are the same and the vote Democrat, you are almost cast off into the Lion's Den however with question but no one really caring what your answer is.
Then there is the question, who would Jesus vote for? My answer is that you strongly do your research.
One more ramble.
Now, President Bush claims to be a Christian. Whether I believe him or not is irrelevant but I have no way to justify that claim. He has done a lot of great things but Dubya ain't a saint and he will tell you that. On a previous blog, someone mentioned that since we both believe in God, I shouldn't disagree with him or criticize him. O Contraire. The fact that someone believes the same way I do has no bearing on whether I agree with his effectiveness as a leader. It also opens them for more criticisms.
Christians are criticized the most based on their actions and rightfully so. We should be the touch bearers to the world. We should shine as an example for the world to see and we more than any other group should be held more accountable because we know what is right and the bible does state that we will be held to a higher standard. It pains me to then watch someone use the blanket of Christianity to get what they want but then are not willing to be judged by the same standard.
There you have it. Send all hatemail to my e-mail address.
1 comment:
This election issue is just as real across the border even till this day. By late 2004, you might as well have sprawled on your forehead who you are rooting for because you will definitely be asked and judged for it even (esp.)among Christians. I understand the churches adherence to Bush in wake of Canada’s most recent challenge of redefining its marriage constitution. Anyone against homosexuality would naturally be an ally. But I think it went a little too far when it became a prayer point in many churches that Bush wins. Now I have nothing against Bush or anyone for that matter but I do believe I can think and make rational choices for myself based on issues I consider important and most pressing and really the last thing I need is the church trying to do that for me.
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