Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Nigerians can sleep anywhere and at anytime

Not much outside of work goes on in my life during the week. And that's saying much about what I do. In fact not much goes on during the weekend either.

Amy marks time based on activities we have planned i.e. who's coming to visit, where are we visiting...those types of activities.

So the highlight of my week was when while visiting my parents, I was offered Nkwobi a.k.a. isi ewu a.ka. goat head. 

Two things you need to know about Nigerians (there are more than two things you need to know but work with me here) - They can sleep anywhere. I mean, drive around and you'll see people sleeping on bridges, park cars (on the the car not in!), benches by the highways.

The other thing you need to know is that no part of an animal deemed edible is wasted.

Back to the goat head brouhaha. It's not like this is my first time. In fact, I have had goat head once before but it's been over 10 years. I remembered liking it. This time (don't tell my parents), not so much. Sure parts of it tasted fine but I wasn't sure what I was eating.

It was fatty and gooey and at one point, the eye came up for consumption. I passed.

If you are brave and of course, if you can find the head of a goat somewhere at your local grocery store (and the many other local ingredients), here is a recipe.

My plate of "Goat-Head"

Now before I get criticized by any Nigerians reading this (I've been called "lost" many times), I will try it again...maybe not anytime soon but for sure, within the next 10 years.

As I mentioned before, Nigerians can sleep anywhere so I will take it upon myself to take pictures when I can of them doing just that. Here's the "Nigerians can sleep anywhere Picture of the Week!"

Sleeping on an Okada

This takes talent...to be able to balance a full body on the bike and have the hutzpah to fall asleep like that exposed to all the elements! Wow!

One more thing, if anyone from the Nigerian Embassy in Atlanta is reading this, could you pleasing stop dancing around and give my parents-in-law a visa? We would both much appreciate their pending visit. Their initials are CPS and MLS.


Kerri said...

I can hardly fall asleep in a bed these days...that is talent!

stea4 said...

A coming short video i made in 2008 about Nigerians you might like.
Just for fun...


Stea from Italy

Ugo said...

Kerri, I am recommending Melatonin for you. You can find it at GNC or Walmart...it's a natural sleep aid.

Ugo said...

Stea, thanks for visiting. I will be more than happy to check it out.