Firstly a bit of sad news (for those who don't already know). A part of chaos theory suggests that "something as small as the flutter of a butterfly's wing can ultimately cause a typhoon halfway around the world." That notion is known as the Butterfly Effect. Over 20 years ago, a young professor would take a job at a small college in the southeast part of Kansas, Pittsburg State University. Over the course of the next several years, half a dozen of his nephews and niece would follow his lead and attend that University. All my siblings are included in that list and the man is now the late Dr. Chris Ibeh who passed away sadly last week.
I only mention all that because without God using him the way He did, I won't be in the position I am today, married to a great woman (whom I met in Pittsburg). In addition, I am Uncle to some wonderful kids and a member of a great church family as well as an awesome family by marriage. If I could say one more thing to him, it'll be, "Thank You for having the foresight to recommend that I and the rest of my siblings join you in Pittsburg. All our lives have been positively affected and that of future generations."
Hard to pivot to anything else but I will try to...
Last Monday was a Public holiday (awesome, right) but I was awaken to a phone from the Company to join several of my colleagues in the nations capital, Abuja for some top secret activities. Now, it's been so long since I've been in the city and I must say, I am always pleasantly surprised about how more organized it is. This was supposed to be an overnight trip but thanks to Amy who packed my bags, I was prepared to stay 3 nights which ended being the duration of the trip. Unfortunately, I left her in this crazy city. She did very well I must say. I would say the trip went well except for the sleeping situation. One night was spent at what I can only describe as a -5 Star Hotel (yes, negative).
I won't mention the name of the Hotel but I won't be going back. I would rather sleep in the back of a flat bed truck. It was so bad that I slept in my day clothes wishing I had a piece in case someone broke into the paper lock.
The only lock that worked was the Dead bolt which even Henry's Shoulders would have knocked down |
On to more simpler matters . We have a colleague (I'll call him Charles to protect his identity) who is also a repatriate like me...i.e. he spent most of the last decade and a half schooling and working in the US and UK. He's been back for just a little while and like us miss the simple things like basked biscuits. Well, Stephanie Lee, our dear friend who now lives in Korea inspired us to make ours from scratch. I'll let the pictures do the talking.
Rolling the Dough prepping it to be cut out |
Our roller is a tube of cling wrap - Necessity, the mother of Inventions |
Baking...and waiting |
The Finished Product |
I am so sorry about your uncle's passing but I am so grateful that God brought him and your family here. Harold was quite impressed by the -5 rating and will be stealing that from you.
Ah...the -5 Star rating can be stolen on one condition, that you warn me of the locations you award it to. I won't want to repeat my experience from last week. I can't begin to describe how bad it was.
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