Just when I thought I could use a day off, here comes another! Democracy Day! Brief history on Democracy Day. It is actually scheduled for May 29 but observed May 30 this year because May 29 was a Sunday. It was first observed May 29, 2000 a year to the day after Nigeria reverted back to a Democracy after over 15 years of a dictatorship. Yesterday was inauguration for the newly elected President Goodluck Jonathan. Amy and I watched the swearing in with my Dad. I must say that we missed the memo and should have been wearing green or white yesterday. We showed up to church and 80% of people there were in white and we also sang the National Anthem in recognition of the aforementioned Democracy Day.
The Swearing In |
As for our day off...well, we didn't do much to be honest. I got up and worked a bit from home while Amy slept (13 hours last night). When she got up we cleaned the house and went running. Well, she went running and I went on a walk. We were going to go eat at a Tex-Mex restaurant we heard of ( named bottles) but on getting there, we found out they were only open from Wednesday to Friday. So that was a bummer. We settled on yet another different Chinese restaurant called Jade Palace.
For a night cap, Amy is watching Baby Mama while we have ice cream. I guess that's it for days off for a while because I have no idea when we are getting another one. Oh wait, what do you know...June 12 is another one. I'm loving it!
I miss you so much. I forgot that you had a blog. It was so good to catch up on what you guy's have been doing. I am going to try to start writing on my blog again, especially since I am going to be in Michigan for most of June. Love you guy's! Oh and tell Amy I started back at the Y and my knee is doing well :)
Amy! Good to hear from you. Please at least, tell me you will be in town where are there in July. I told Amy you are back at it at the Y and she's excited for you!
If all goes according to plan I should be back right at the begining of July. And if I wasn't I wuld change my plans to make sure I got back in time:) I am off to Omaha tomorrow. Patti, Kerri anad I are traveling together. I am so excited to see what God will do in the midst of us. Can't wait to see you in July!
Omaha was pretty stinking awesome. Ugo, ask Amy what workout routine/exercise I need to do to get rid of my "love handles" please.
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