- My whole family being here was enough to make me uber emotional but I am not the teary eyed type. However, God through the whole process blew every expectation I had away.
- I may be bias but I'd have to say that we had the hottest wedding party EVER...yeah, I said it.
- We couldn't have asked for better weather. In fact, The Weather Channel rated it a 10/10
- I miss Hawaii
- I loved being single but I don't miss it
- Wedding Gifts fall into one of four categories...cash/gift cards (best), gifts off registry (hopefully duplicates to convert into the aforementioned cash, non-registered gifts that are a pleasant surprise, non-registered gifts that are regiftables...all are appreciated.
- Did I mention that I miss Hawaii
- I am adjusting to sharing a bed...going a lot better than I expected
- I have found out many things that I like that I didn't know I liked until Amy told me just how much I liked i.e. Chef Salad
- Toilet seat cover/lid down EVERY TIME...got it. Oops.
- It's going to be a while before I figure out this whole wearing a ring thing. I am trying.
- God's grace + God's face = Rocking Marriage.
To be honest, I really still don't know much about this whole marriage thing but I am working to learn as best as I can. There have been many experiences in these 46 days that I am glad I married someone who is a great friend and someone I have known for that long and most importantly, someone who loves God more than she loves me.

Life is one great big journey, and all we can do it take it one step at a time. You're doing great! Sometimes we fall or want to just stop, but the important thing during those times is to get back up, to keep going. If you do that, you will make it. And not just "make it" . . . you will LOVE the journey!! Congratulations again!
I love this side of you Ugo. Marriage is awesome.
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