Wednesday, May 26, 2010

46 Days and Counting...Counting Up, that is...

According to my records, Amy and I have been married for 46 days and so far, it's been great (not like I would say otherwise if it wasn't but it really has been). My thoughts are probably not much more different than too many newly weds. However, I guess I can just list a few observations of the last 50 days...

- My whole family being here was enough to make me uber emotional but I am not the teary eyed type. However, God through the whole process blew every expectation I had away.

- I may be bias but I'd have to say that we had the hottest wedding party EVER...yeah, I said it.

- We couldn't have asked for better weather. In fact, The Weather Channel rated it a 10/10

- I miss Hawaii

- I loved being single but I don't miss it

- Wedding Gifts fall into one of four cards (best), gifts off registry (hopefully duplicates to convert into the aforementioned cash, non-registered gifts that are a pleasant surprise, non-registered gifts that are regiftables...all are appreciated.

- Did I mention that I miss Hawaii

- I am adjusting to sharing a bed...going a lot better than I expected

- I have found out many things that I like that I didn't know I liked until Amy told me just how much I liked i.e. Chef Salad

- Toilet seat cover/lid down EVERY it. Oops.

- It's going to be a while before I figure out this whole wearing a ring thing. I am trying.

- God's grace + God's face = Rocking Marriage.

To be honest, I really still don't know much about this whole marriage thing but I am working to learn as best as I can. There have been many experiences in these 46 days that I am glad I married someone who is a great friend and someone I have known for that long and most importantly, someone who loves God more than she loves me.