I was inspired by a reader to continue my rant on the issue of going green or for people who don’t understand the lingo, using less energy and taking care of the environment. The same argument could also lend itself to getting people to eat healthy and a host of other issues but for now, let’s talk about being green.
First of all, I would like to say that I am one of the suckers that does believe in global warming and that man does play a role as a catalyst to this effect. How big a role? I am really not that sure but I believe it is a big enough role that it does tip the scales. For those who aren’t believers, I suppose you have a right to your opinion but I would say this…what a man sows, he will reap and it is hard to make the argument that the constant increase of CO2 and his bitter cousin carbon-monoxide can’t possibly be without consequence and a prime example is the smog you see in large cities like Los Angeles and Las Vegas, two cities that I have driven into with a rude shock as to how dirty the air is. At the very least, if we take care of the environment which God has blessed us with and global warming is a fallacy, what do we lose? However, if we continue at this pace, and we destroy irreparably our environment, it is our kids and their kids that pay the price.
Now all that said, I think the governments of the world (yes, not just the United States) and corporations as well as individual citizens all need to be a part of the effort. It doesn’t have to be this uber inconveniencing effort and it could potentially be very rewarding to all there parties involved in the long run. How? Well, for the companies, new revenue stream, for the government, the ability to create new jobs and for the citizens, well, new jobs and the feel good aspect of it. Governments should invest in small businesses that are working on developing these new technologies that reduce dependence on non-renewable sources of energy using tax incentives and protecting their intellectual property better than they are right now. Big corporations should make it financial feasible for customers to actually consider green alternatives. For example, don’t make the hybrid car significantly more expensive than its less fuel efficient counterpart. Don’t charge significantly more for the more energy efficient bulbs when you don’t have to.
I know what the corporate excuse will be…”we are trying to recoup our investment.” Well, that maybe the case but do you not realize that people will buy more if you make your prices more reasonable? Also, you have a case now of cheaply made fakes coming from places like China and that hurts your brand. Don’t charge people to recycle…period. It makes no sense and at that point you are appealing to the “decent nature” of people and listen, they want to help but in hard economic times, no one cares more about being green than getting or keeping more green. Well, this is starting to seem more like a term paper than a blog so I think I will end there.
Before I am done, a word to fellow citizens considering going green, do some research and you will discover amazing things that you can do to cut both the cost of going green and increase the value. Energy efficient light bulbs are great but so it making sure you use less power but turning off everything that doesn’t need to be on. Just a thought and certainly something I need to do more of everyday.
1 comment:
all i have to say about this is i agree.
i would love to be able to change my lifestyle to be more earth conscious...and if someone has the means to bankroll me to that effect that'd be great. thanks.
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