You've all heard the songs and maybe even hummed to the tune. But whatever it is, whoever sang that song was probably under the influence of something. I don't mean to be Scrooge-like but the only and I mean ONLY reason why this can be the most wonderful time of the year is if we recognize Christ as Lord and Saviour because otherwise, it is the most Nightmarish time of the year. I mean think about it...doesn't it feel like you work and save money all through the year to blow it over Christmas and then some? Then you spend the first half of the year trying to payoff the balance on your Credit Card as a result of all the spending and overspending.
Oh and it gets better. It is cold outside and heating bills are going up and so is your weight because you spend more time eating especially since all the food taste so good now. When the year turns around, we have to start making Resolutions to loose weight and thus the YMCA becomes so congested.
Christmas day then becomes like a beauty pagent because every relative is trying to one-up the other on whose year has been better or sometime we begin to compete on who has had the suckier year. Thats the season for you if you don't know Christ. Presents? You get presents on Christmas? Oh yeah, thats right you do. Which ones? The ones that may not fit you or the ones that are fun to store in the garage or the basement? Oh, those one who become re-gifted perhaps the next year? Yeah, you get gifts.
Ok enough of my soapbox. I guess I am just saying all this because I am getting broker and broker by the second and I don't like the commercial Christmas. Nope, I don't have problems buying gifts for people but it is just that everything around you makes it up about commerce and there is so much to it that people (even Christians) often over look.
I thank God that sent his son down to die for us. I thank him because that is the greatest Christmas anyone can ever ask for and receive. Yes, the gift of Salvation...the only gift that keeps on giving. Its the only gift that doesn't get judged by the size or commercial value. It is the only gift that lasts till the next Christmas and beyond. It is also the only gift you can take with you to your grave.
Merry Christmas everyone!
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