Somehow and for reasons (some I know and other I don't), these trips back home always leave me uneasy. I mean it can't really be that bad going home and I know it is going to be just fine. I still have to find some time to do my laundry and pack my own stuff. Maybe tomorrow.
You know, I was just thinking...I have started having those crazy hard to sleep nights. I don't feel anxious (or overly anyway) about this trip but could it be? I have had sleep problems on and off for the last 6 years (since I came to the United States) but I have been okay for the last five or six months till this week. I have been told that I have sleep problems because I refuse to deal with the issues during the day and have to deal with them at night. Yeah, I asked the shrink for my money back. The most I deal with at night is TRYING TO GET TO SLEEP. Anyway, I think I might stop by the store or GNC to reload on the blue pill.
On to more important things; I heard a song recently called "What If" by Nicole Nordeman. Most of you who know me know that I have a soft spot for Female Vocalists but thats besides the point. Anyways, the song asks say an unbeliever What If the bible is really all true word for word. What if Christ really died for us to take our sins away? What would you do then? The song did send shivers down my spin because it starts with what if (from our perspective) that Christ was just another great prophet to which I answered, then we are screwed.
But guess what, Christ did come and die for us and I am glad I don't have to deal with God based on who I really am outside of Christ because saying I fall short is the biggest understatement since Adam told God that they were naked and hid.
Isn't "the blue pill" a nickname for Viagra....don't think that'll help you sleep at night....
Thats why it hasn't been working. Arghh....Just kidding. I used to take Unisom pills. They are blue as well but with a liquid filling or something like that. I think I have some left though.
Ugo, what do you want for your birthday?
Happy Birthday, Ugo! Hope you're having a lovely time at home.
Thanks guys for the Happy Birthday wished. Andrea, I am having a busy time at home but it has been good seeing family no doubt about that. Sarah, not sure that I want anything in particular but like I tell everyone else, do your homework (like I did for you). So when next will you be in town?
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