We are down to hours and minutes before this year is over (unless you are in Oceania and in that case you have about 365 days to go) and it is time to make Predictions and Resolutions which in most part will all fail. But it's okay because the preparations and plans for a new year and decade are never the same without the aforementioned predictions and resolutions.
It's been an exciting year for me but 2010 is bound to be more life altering than 2009 for obvious reasons. However now isn't the time to make predictions...it's time to review them. With that, here is your (technically my) "2009 Predictions Sure to go wrong" in review.
1. Gators!!! Yes...the Florida Gators will beat the Oklahoma Sooners in the biggest College football game of the year and be crowned National Champions!
The Gators with a daunting defense shut down the Sooners to win their 2nd Championship in 3 years. Tally so far 1/1.
2. The economy will get worse before it gets better. However, the DOW Jones Industrial Average, an index that acts as a barometer for the health of US Companies will finish the year above 10,000.
When I wrote this, the economy was in a tail spin an the DOW Jones fell to a decade low 6547 Points in March. However, baring a historic collapse in the next few hours, the DOW will finish above said 10,000 points. Tally so far 2/2
3. An annual pick...the San Diego Super Chargers will be Superbowl Champs! Okay...fan pick but did you see what they did to the Colts? If they replicate that game play this week...it will be hard for the Steelers to win that game.
Chargers didn't....no further comments (why, oh why!)....Tally so far 2/3.
4. Apple will come out with another version of the iPhone and there is a very good chance they'll sucker me into getting it.
On June 19 2009, Apple came out with the iPhone 3GS...on June 19 2009, I received my shipment of the device...score. Looking good at 3 of 4.
5. There will be scandals galore when the spending of the bailout cash doled out by the US Treasury last year are reviewed. Some business executives and or politicians will be fighting for their careers.
Without going into details aplenty...Score this one in my book. Scandals regarding bonuses using Tax Payers Dime was all the rage in the summer. Several Bank CEOs have received the boot including Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis. 4/5
6. The defending NCAA Bball National Champion, KANSAS JAYHAWKS! will find away to make the tournament but the Tar Heels of North Carolina will be Crowned National Champions in NCAA Basketball...they are too good not to.
Yes and Yes! Score this in the win column...5/6
7. Sam Bradford sadly for him will declare himself eligible for the NFL Draft and yes be snagged by the hapless Detroit Lions. Hopefully, the money he makes will buy him happiness.
Now, in my defense, he should have listened to me. Instead, he had an injury plagued season and probably cost himself $Millions in the process. 5/7
8. Yahoo Inc. will be acquired by someone...maybe Microsoft, Time Warner maybe, but someone will acquire Yahoo.
Came really close to happening but close isn't good enough. 5/8
9. Chrysler will merge with GM to save themselves from going under
Chrysler instead made a pact with Fiat. Close but no cigar. 5/9
10. I will be stuck within these boarders again for the 3rd straight year...the longest streak since the one which ended in 1995...so sad.
I was stuck in these boarders and it was sad. Maybe we can turn the tide in 2010. 6/10
11. Assuming Tim Tebow, the all world QB of the Gators stays in school, those Florida Gators will face the Texas Longhorns in the 2010 version of the BCS Championship game.
Tim Tebow came back and came close but in the end, I was one game from making this call happen. Texas gets in so I get half a point- 6.5/11.
12. The BCS will announce plans for a plus playoff scenario for College Football.
Hasn't happened yet...ugh...but there is a ground swell. 6.5/12
13. I will be a licensed Certified Public Accountant...wish me all the best.
YAY! I have the Certificate to Prove it! 7.5/13
14. Book this one...one of my many friends that I have stood by as they have tied the knot will be another expecting father.
Josh H. and Jen H. are expecting a child (hopefully a girl). Can't wait! 8.5/14
15. You've heard of Stephon Curry of Davidson, right? Well, remember this name...Seth Curry. You will come March as Liberty University...yes, the Flames will be there and Seth Curry will lead them there.
EPIC FAIL. 8.5/15
16. Oh...I'll probably be involved in someone's wedding...haha. That's me coming out of retirement.
Jonathan, it was an honor. Babies by the end of the year perhaps? Too soon? 9.5/16
17. Now for the Hail Mary of the Day...the Chicago Cubs will finally break the curse of the Billy Goat and make it to the World Series! Now, I don't like the Cubs so I figured I'd ruin their season before it starts.
EPIC FAIL 2. 9.5/17
So the final tally is 9.5/17...a sub par 55%. Came close on a few and whiffed on others. Stay tuned for the 2010 edition of Predictions sure to go wrong. No one cares about this list but I love to look back and chuckle at the good and yes, even the bad calls. Happy New Year Everyone...wishing you a prosperous 2010.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Best of times and Worst of times

Life lately has been bitter sweet and as close to those extremes as they can be. I asked my best friend to marry me and she said yes...the feelings that followed are indescribable. My younger brother Ben graduated and got a job...a good job in this turbulent economy. I am happy for him and I am proud of him. I always tease him about being a vampire because he was always home during the day and no where to be found at night. But kudos to him for working hard and graduating from the MBA program. Also, Christmas is around the corner...not because of the gifts but the reminder that Jesus came and for one purpose only; To reconcile man with God. My relationship with Him (which needs to get better) isn't just a part of my life, it's all of it.
Now the bitter side of things, I won't go into a whole lot but some of you may already know what I am talking about. But all of it...good, bad, ugly remains meaningless if they don't all serve to carry the Glory of God, and out of knowing Jesus. I am learning that if you can't change your circumstance, you can still change your posture and your reactions because you continue to remain accountable for those things.
Habakkuk couldn't have put it any better in Chapter 3: 17-19
17 Though the fig tree may not blossom,
Nor fruit be on the vines;
Though the labor of the olive may fail,
And the fields yield no food;
Though the flock may be cut off from the fold,
And there be no herd in the stalls—
18 Yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will joy in the God of my salvation.
19 The LORD God is my strength;
He will make my feet like deer’s feet,
And He will make me walk on my high hills.
So while I'll continue to pray for certain circumstances to change or be different, I'll continue to sing Knowing you Jesus; there is no greater thing.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Statement Addressing Engagement Rumors on my Facebook Wall
Tuesday, December 15th 2009 - There have been multiple congratulations and felicitations on my Facebook leading to rumors that Amy I am engaged. I would like to publicly address these allegations. These rumors are neither baseless nor falsified. They are in fact true. On Friday, December 11th, 2009, I asked Amy to marry me and she said yes! I also want to go on the record to say that she was fully cognitive when she was asked and when she answered. No truth to the rumors that her answer was due to fatigue from traveling back from Green Bay or the sparkle from the bling.
I understand the media's insatiable appetite for rumors but I would ask that you do not respect our privacy concerning this matter (basically, hound Amy, not me). I truly want to thank you all for your support in this very exciting time of our lives.
Any further questions should be directed to the comment section on this post. Thanks!
I understand the media's insatiable appetite for rumors but I would ask that you do not respect our privacy concerning this matter (basically, hound Amy, not me). I truly want to thank you all for your support in this very exciting time of our lives.
Any further questions should be directed to the comment section on this post. Thanks!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Clash of the Titans (1981) - Rated PG

Growing up, I didnt' watch a lot of Television (TV) or movies. It was probably due to the fact that from age 10 - 14, I was in a boarding school and prior to that, my parents just didn't buy a lot movies. In addition, at the time, there weren't many movie theaters around the city where I grew up. That said, one of the movies I watched at least a dozen times in my childhood was the 80s flick, Clash of the Titans.
Clash of the Titans in essence was the movie of my childhood and if you've seen it, chances are that you grew up in the 80s and maybe early 90s. I hadn't thought much about it until about two weeks ago when I stumbled unto the trailer of a remake coming out in March staring Liam Neeson as Zeus. The trailer got me all pumped...so much so that I went to Hasting and purchased the original in attempt to get ready for the remake. It cost me a small fortune- $11.79 after taxes to be exact and it was totally worth it (nostalgic valuation applied of course).
Now, for personal reasons, I do not make movie recommendations especially movies that I saw "a long time ago" but if you decide to see this movie, I will warn you that it does contain nudity which surprised me since I watched it with my siblings many times. What was also surprising was it's PG rating.
Overall, I found it still entertaining although the clay-mation and pseudo-animation was laugh inducing. The acting was actually better than I expected and the storyline was interesting to say the least. I am looking forward to watching the remake in the theater next year. There are movies that should never be remade in my opinion but this is one flick that I believe is due for a remake.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Sound of 1:53am
I got into my car after walking Amy to her door; We had just returned from an OU Texas A&M blowout in Norman. I started making my way home at 1.53am and I did something I usually do when I am by myself in the car which is listen to public radio. It took a second but then the most beautiful song started...
It was a female vocalist singing in a language that I couldn't identify yet alone understand. And I she sang, the only instrument I could hear was an acoustic guitar. As I listened practically in a trance, I tried to imagine what she was singing about...something positive, perhaps, I thought to myself. Sweet sounding songs should be positive...or at least optimistic or about something, hopefully someone...love maybe.
I realize something about myself. I tend to write or compose when I am sad or my life is in disarray which is why I am yet to compose anything meaningful in almost two years. Now, that doesn't mean that life has been a bed of roses. Actually, save for a few bright spots, it's been quite tough and challenging. The difference this time is that, I recognize that everything I need to get through this life has been provided to me by God and I am surrounded by it all...friends, family, nature, life, the seasons and my best friend.
So since I can't compose anything, I am going to indulge in those who can. The song I hear a little over an hour ago was sung by a lady named Sarah according to the announcer at the end. I don't know where she is from nor do I know what she was singing about. I prefer it that way...otherwise, I could find out that she sang about war, famine, poverty and sorrow. I think I'll take my ignorance bliss to go and thank her for the tunes in my head that will eventually put me to bed.
It was a female vocalist singing in a language that I couldn't identify yet alone understand. And I she sang, the only instrument I could hear was an acoustic guitar. As I listened practically in a trance, I tried to imagine what she was singing about...something positive, perhaps, I thought to myself. Sweet sounding songs should be positive...or at least optimistic or about something, hopefully someone...love maybe.
I realize something about myself. I tend to write or compose when I am sad or my life is in disarray which is why I am yet to compose anything meaningful in almost two years. Now, that doesn't mean that life has been a bed of roses. Actually, save for a few bright spots, it's been quite tough and challenging. The difference this time is that, I recognize that everything I need to get through this life has been provided to me by God and I am surrounded by it all...friends, family, nature, life, the seasons and my best friend.
So since I can't compose anything, I am going to indulge in those who can. The song I hear a little over an hour ago was sung by a lady named Sarah according to the announcer at the end. I don't know where she is from nor do I know what she was singing about. I prefer it that way...otherwise, I could find out that she sang about war, famine, poverty and sorrow. I think I'll take my ignorance bliss to go and thank her for the tunes in my head that will eventually put me to bed.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Learning through Coaching
I don't think too much about being a dad someday. I don't think too much about it because I have never thought I'd make much of a good one plus the fact that I am unmarried makes the concept so foreign. I think about parenthood as a way that God shows you all your flaws in one instance but yet at the same time he shows you all the grace he has towards you...that is of course, if you serve him.
I have spent the last 7 weeks helping coach a group of 15 6th graders...well, 14 6th graders, and a 4th grader. I accepted Joey's job offer as an assistant coach because I wanted to show up the other teams with my knowledge of football. Problem is that no one told me that to be able to coach 6th grade football, I would have to attempt to understand 6th graders. No one told me that to understand them, I would have to put aside my own selfishness and sense of self worth. Well, we have played five and won a total of zero.
Now we did have a tie and last week, the team we played billed as the best needed a safety to win. On that play, we played with one less player than they did. Okay...that's getting me away from the point I am trying to make which is, we haven't won a game yet as the season winds down, I realize just how much I have learned from trying to teach. So what have I learned.
1. To be a parent, coach, friend, leader...half the battle is showing up...over and over again regardless of the results. They know you care when you are there.
2. 6th graders have the attention span of well...6th graders and it's about 6 minutes long so be straight to be point and quick about it.
3. 6th graders care just as much as I do about winning but they move on from losses a lot quicker.
4. You can go a longer way with an encouraging word than you can with a critical one. "You are playing hard but I need more out of you" sounds better than, "why did you miss that blocking assignment"
5. Coaching to their strengths is beyond just a talent issue; sometimes, it's more of a mental issue.
6. 6th graders can also be on emotional roller-coasters and it is okay.
7. Most times kids act up just for attention but sometimes that's why they try hard too.
8. Kids want you to be interested in other parts of their lives...yes, the one that you don't care about.
9. This generation of kids will be the smartest of all generations to date but if you don't do them right, they will turn out to be the laziest. They need mentors and fathers like never before.
10. Perhaps most importantly, I learned that there are much better fathers out there...Bob Romine has a way with them like you won't believe. Basically, you are never alone as a parent unless you want to be.
11. I also learned that I have a lot to learn...yeah, that's shocking, right?
At the beginning, I thought to myself that this isn't something I'd ever want to do again but I think I want to do it again next year. It's a sacrifice of time and energy but it's rewarding for the kids who have turned into my teachers.
I have spent the last 7 weeks helping coach a group of 15 6th graders...well, 14 6th graders, and a 4th grader. I accepted Joey's job offer as an assistant coach because I wanted to show up the other teams with my knowledge of football. Problem is that no one told me that to be able to coach 6th grade football, I would have to attempt to understand 6th graders. No one told me that to understand them, I would have to put aside my own selfishness and sense of self worth. Well, we have played five and won a total of zero.
Now we did have a tie and last week, the team we played billed as the best needed a safety to win. On that play, we played with one less player than they did. Okay...that's getting me away from the point I am trying to make which is, we haven't won a game yet as the season winds down, I realize just how much I have learned from trying to teach. So what have I learned.
1. To be a parent, coach, friend, leader...half the battle is showing up...over and over again regardless of the results. They know you care when you are there.
2. 6th graders have the attention span of well...6th graders and it's about 6 minutes long so be straight to be point and quick about it.
3. 6th graders care just as much as I do about winning but they move on from losses a lot quicker.
4. You can go a longer way with an encouraging word than you can with a critical one. "You are playing hard but I need more out of you" sounds better than, "why did you miss that blocking assignment"
5. Coaching to their strengths is beyond just a talent issue; sometimes, it's more of a mental issue.
6. 6th graders can also be on emotional roller-coasters and it is okay.
7. Most times kids act up just for attention but sometimes that's why they try hard too.
8. Kids want you to be interested in other parts of their lives...yes, the one that you don't care about.
9. This generation of kids will be the smartest of all generations to date but if you don't do them right, they will turn out to be the laziest. They need mentors and fathers like never before.
10. Perhaps most importantly, I learned that there are much better fathers out there...Bob Romine has a way with them like you won't believe. Basically, you are never alone as a parent unless you want to be.
11. I also learned that I have a lot to learn...yeah, that's shocking, right?
At the beginning, I thought to myself that this isn't something I'd ever want to do again but I think I want to do it again next year. It's a sacrifice of time and energy but it's rewarding for the kids who have turned into my teachers.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
So who even comes close to being like God?
Who has scooped up the ocean in his two hands
Or measured the sky between his thumb and little finger
Who has put all the earth's dirt in one of his baskets,
Weighed each mountain and hill?
Who could ever have told God what to do
Or taught him his business?
What expert would he have gone to for advice,
What school would he attend to learn justice?
What god do you suppose might have taught him what he knows,
Showed him how things work?
Why, the nations are but a drop in a bucket,
A mere smudge on a window.
Watch him sweep up the islands like so much dust off the floor!
There aren't enough trees in Lebanon nor enough animals in those vast forests
To furnish adequate fuel and offerings for his worship.
All the nations add up to simply nothing before him—less than nothing is more like it. A minus.
So who even comes close to being like God?
To whom or what can you compare him?
Some no-god idol? Ridiculous!
It's made in a workshop, cast in bronze,
Given a thin veneer of gold and draped with silver filigree.
Or, perhaps someone will select a fine wood—olive wood, say—that won't rot,
Then hire a woodcarver to make a no-god
Giving special care to its base so it won't tip over!
Have you not been paying attention?
Have you not been listening?
Haven't you heard these stories all your life?
Don't you understand the foundation of all things?
God sits high above the round ball of earth.
The people look like mere ants.
He stretches out the skies like a canvas—yes, like a tent canvas to live under.
He ignores what all the princes say and do.
The rulers of the earth count for nothing; Princes and rulers don't amount to much.
Like seeds barely rooted, just sprouted,
They shrivel when God blows on them.
Like flecks of chaff, they're gone with the wind.
"So—who is like me? Who holds a candle to me?" says The Holy.
Look at the night skies: Who do you think made all this?
Who marches this army of stars out each night,
Counts them off, calls each by name—so magnificent! so powerful!—and never overlooks a single one?
Why would you ever complain, O Jacob, or, whine, Israel, saying,
"God has lost track of me. He doesn't care what happens to me"?
Don't you know anything? Haven't you been listening?
God doesn't come and go. God lasts.
He's Creator of all you can see or imagine.
He doesn't get tired out
Doesn't pause to catch his breath.
And he knows everything, inside and out.
He energizes those who get tired
Gives fresh strength to dropouts.
For even young people tire and drop out
Young folk in their prime stumble and fall.
But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don't get tired
They walk and don't lag behind.
Isaiah 40: 12-31
The Message Bible
Or measured the sky between his thumb and little finger
Who has put all the earth's dirt in one of his baskets,
Weighed each mountain and hill?
Who could ever have told God what to do
Or taught him his business?
What expert would he have gone to for advice,
What school would he attend to learn justice?
What god do you suppose might have taught him what he knows,
Showed him how things work?
Why, the nations are but a drop in a bucket,
A mere smudge on a window.
Watch him sweep up the islands like so much dust off the floor!
There aren't enough trees in Lebanon nor enough animals in those vast forests
To furnish adequate fuel and offerings for his worship.
All the nations add up to simply nothing before him—less than nothing is more like it. A minus.
So who even comes close to being like God?
To whom or what can you compare him?
Some no-god idol? Ridiculous!
It's made in a workshop, cast in bronze,
Given a thin veneer of gold and draped with silver filigree.
Or, perhaps someone will select a fine wood—olive wood, say—that won't rot,
Then hire a woodcarver to make a no-god
Giving special care to its base so it won't tip over!
Have you not been paying attention?
Have you not been listening?
Haven't you heard these stories all your life?
Don't you understand the foundation of all things?
God sits high above the round ball of earth.
The people look like mere ants.
He stretches out the skies like a canvas—yes, like a tent canvas to live under.
He ignores what all the princes say and do.
The rulers of the earth count for nothing; Princes and rulers don't amount to much.
Like seeds barely rooted, just sprouted,
They shrivel when God blows on them.
Like flecks of chaff, they're gone with the wind.
"So—who is like me? Who holds a candle to me?" says The Holy.
Look at the night skies: Who do you think made all this?
Who marches this army of stars out each night,
Counts them off, calls each by name—so magnificent! so powerful!—and never overlooks a single one?
Why would you ever complain, O Jacob, or, whine, Israel, saying,
"God has lost track of me. He doesn't care what happens to me"?
Don't you know anything? Haven't you been listening?
God doesn't come and go. God lasts.
He's Creator of all you can see or imagine.
He doesn't get tired out
Doesn't pause to catch his breath.
And he knows everything, inside and out.
He energizes those who get tired
Gives fresh strength to dropouts.
For even young people tire and drop out
Young folk in their prime stumble and fall.
But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don't get tired
They walk and don't lag behind.
Isaiah 40: 12-31
The Message Bible
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
The 4th Annual Predictions Sure to go Wrong....2009 Edition
Yes! It is back...the often imitated but never duplicated Annual Predictions Sure to go Wrong. This will be the fourth edition. Not that anyone is keeping score but over the first 3 years, I have managed to go 36/54 which is a tidy 66.67%...
Now without further ado...here is your "Predictions Sure for go Wrong for 2009!"
1. Gators!!! Yes...the Florida Gators will beat the Oklahoma Sooners in the biggest College football game of the year and be crowned National Champions!
2. The economy will get worse before it gets better. However, the DOW Jones Industrial Average, an index that acts as a barometer for the health of US Companies will finish the year above 10,000.
3. An annual pick...the San Diego Super Chargers will be Superbowl Champs! Okay...fan pick but did you see what they did to the Colts? If they replicate that game play this week...it will be hard for the Steelers to win that game.
4. Apple will come out with another version of the iPhone and there is a very good chance they'll sucker me into getting it.
5. There will be scandals galore when the spending of the bailout cash doled out by the US Treasury last year are reviewed. Some business executives and or politicians will be fighting for their careers.
6. The defending NCAA Bball National Champion, KANSAS JAYHAWKS! will find away to make the tournament but the Tar Heels of North Carolina will be Crowned National Champions in NCAA Basketball...they are too good not to.
7. Sam Bradford sadly for him will declare himself eligible for the NFL Draft and yes be snagged by the hapless Detroit Lions. Hopefully, the money he makes will buy him happiness.
8. Yahoo Inc. will be acquired by someone...maybe Microsoft, Time Warner maybe, but someone will acquire Yahoo
9. Chrysler will merge with GM to save themselves from going under
10. I will be stuck within these boarders again for the 3rd straight year...the longest streak since the one which ended in 1995...so sad.
11. Assuming Tim Teebow, the all world QB of the Gators stays in school, those Florida Gators will face the Texas Longhorns in the 2010 version of the BCS Championship game.
12. The BCS will announce plans for a plus playoff scenario for College Football.
13. I will be a licensed Certified Public Accountant...wish me all the best.
14. Book this one...one of my many friends that I have stood by as they have tied the knot will be another expecting father.
15. You've heard of Stephon Curry of Davidson, right? Well, remember this name...Seth Curry. You will come March as Liberty University...yes, the Flames will be there and Seth Curry will lead them there.
16. Oh...I'll probably be involved in someone's wedding...haha. That's me coming out of retirement.
17. Now for the Hail Mary of the Day...the Chicago Cubs will finally break the curse of the Billy Goat and make it to the World Series! Now, I don't like the Cubs so I figured I'd ruin their season before it starts.
Let me know what you think...send comments or emails. I took more risks this time and I expect this to be the worst here yet but hey, we'll see this time next year. But for now...GO GATORS!!!
Now without further ado...here is your "Predictions Sure for go Wrong for 2009!"
1. Gators!!! Yes...the Florida Gators will beat the Oklahoma Sooners in the biggest College football game of the year and be crowned National Champions!
2. The economy will get worse before it gets better. However, the DOW Jones Industrial Average, an index that acts as a barometer for the health of US Companies will finish the year above 10,000.
3. An annual pick...the San Diego Super Chargers will be Superbowl Champs! Okay...fan pick but did you see what they did to the Colts? If they replicate that game play this week...it will be hard for the Steelers to win that game.
4. Apple will come out with another version of the iPhone and there is a very good chance they'll sucker me into getting it.
5. There will be scandals galore when the spending of the bailout cash doled out by the US Treasury last year are reviewed. Some business executives and or politicians will be fighting for their careers.
6. The defending NCAA Bball National Champion, KANSAS JAYHAWKS! will find away to make the tournament but the Tar Heels of North Carolina will be Crowned National Champions in NCAA Basketball...they are too good not to.
7. Sam Bradford sadly for him will declare himself eligible for the NFL Draft and yes be snagged by the hapless Detroit Lions. Hopefully, the money he makes will buy him happiness.
8. Yahoo Inc. will be acquired by someone...maybe Microsoft, Time Warner maybe, but someone will acquire Yahoo
9. Chrysler will merge with GM to save themselves from going under
10. I will be stuck within these boarders again for the 3rd straight year...the longest streak since the one which ended in 1995...so sad.
11. Assuming Tim Teebow, the all world QB of the Gators stays in school, those Florida Gators will face the Texas Longhorns in the 2010 version of the BCS Championship game.
12. The BCS will announce plans for a plus playoff scenario for College Football.
13. I will be a licensed Certified Public Accountant...wish me all the best.
14. Book this one...one of my many friends that I have stood by as they have tied the knot will be another expecting father.
15. You've heard of Stephon Curry of Davidson, right? Well, remember this name...Seth Curry. You will come March as Liberty University...yes, the Flames will be there and Seth Curry will lead them there.
16. Oh...I'll probably be involved in someone's wedding...haha. That's me coming out of retirement.
17. Now for the Hail Mary of the Day...the Chicago Cubs will finally break the curse of the Billy Goat and make it to the World Series! Now, I don't like the Cubs so I figured I'd ruin their season before it starts.
Let me know what you think...send comments or emails. I took more risks this time and I expect this to be the worst here yet but hey, we'll see this time next year. But for now...GO GATORS!!!
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Happy 2009! To all of You...Predictions for 2008 in Review
In the words of my good friend Jean K. Jean, France's own original Def Jam Comedy Import "IN-CRE-AH-BLE!" That's how you describe the year that was 2008 in virtually every facet. Wow! Name the topic and 2008 was a year to remember! Best of all, the Kingdom of God is still expanding and the gates of Hell shall not prevail.
For the fourth year in a roll, I am going to write a note tagged "Predictions sure to go Wrong in (Insert Year)" but what I like to do the first day is review the Prior Year's predictions. Here is the list...
1. Barack Obama will win the Iowa Caucus for the Democrats, and Huckabee, the Republicans Sure happened as I said so 1/1
2. That same Obama chap will pull off the Democratic Nomination and go on to be the first Black POTUS…hey, don't hate the messenger. Ditto...wow was it exciting...so 2/2
3. LSU will beat Ohio State and be crowned as National Champions in the NCAA Football Bowl Series World. 3/3...I am on a roll
4. The San Diego Chargers will shock the Pro Football World and win the Super Bowl (fan pick, I know).
Okay...first strike but they were one game away from the big one...3/4
5. I will end the year with my weight below the Mendoza Line (for those who don't know, the Mendoza Line is 200). Okay this one is tricky because until my eating binge this past few days, I did but whatever...3/5
6. Microsoft Corporation will come out with or plans for a superdupermagnastastic device (no, not Surface) and my money is on a new phone to compete with the iPhone. ...bit the dust on that one. They did manage to crash all Zunes! 3/6
7. I won't be involved (in any significant manner anyway) in any weddings period. I am retiring from all that stuff (for the year anyway). I succeeded...now I am going to unretire...4/7
8. The US Economy will teeter on the brink of a recession…but it won't quite hit one. Boy did we hit a freight train of a recession or what...wow 4/8
9. I will be forced to stay in the country again without any opportunities to leave for the 2nd straight year and it will be sad and I may cry (I am kidding on the crying part). Sadly, I was right...5/9
10. Florida and Oklahoma will be chosen to meet in the 2009 BCS Championship Games. Now this has to be the call of the year! Trying to pat myself on the back but my arm is sore 6/10
11. Oil prices will end the year below the $100 a barrel mark. Thankfully so! 7/11
12. I will be on the verge of finishing one book or start writing another. Lets move on, shall we? 7/12
13. Doug will have another opportunity through the hands of God to go to another country which he hasn't been to before. ...did he? I don't recall. I'll put an incomplete here and someone let me know
14. Facebook will overtake MySpace as the most popular Social Networking site (not necessarily by numbers but by Q Rating) Right on again...Facebook is taking it to Myspace like "insert NFL team" took it to the Detroit Lions this season 8/13
15. Apple will come out another version of both the iPhone and the iPod sticking it to anyone who care to buy the biggest and latest coolest technology out there…fools like me. They do it all the time...it was a gimme call 9/14
So 9/14...64% completion rate! That would land you in the Pro Bowl at QB. Well...I will be writing up the next round of predictions later and keep an eye out for it.
PS: If here is a link to the original predictions if you care enough which you probably don't. Oh and if you have something you want me to make a call on...leave a suggestion in the comment and it might make the list.
For the fourth year in a roll, I am going to write a note tagged "Predictions sure to go Wrong in (Insert Year)" but what I like to do the first day is review the Prior Year's predictions. Here is the list...
1. Barack Obama will win the Iowa Caucus for the Democrats, and Huckabee, the Republicans Sure happened as I said so 1/1
2. That same Obama chap will pull off the Democratic Nomination and go on to be the first Black POTUS…hey, don't hate the messenger. Ditto...wow was it exciting...so 2/2
3. LSU will beat Ohio State and be crowned as National Champions in the NCAA Football Bowl Series World. 3/3...I am on a roll
4. The San Diego Chargers will shock the Pro Football World and win the Super Bowl (fan pick, I know).
Okay...first strike but they were one game away from the big one...3/4
5. I will end the year with my weight below the Mendoza Line (for those who don't know, the Mendoza Line is 200). Okay this one is tricky because until my eating binge this past few days, I did but whatever...3/5
6. Microsoft Corporation will come out with or plans for a superdupermagnastastic device (no, not Surface) and my money is on a new phone to compete with the iPhone. ...bit the dust on that one. They did manage to crash all Zunes! 3/6
7. I won't be involved (in any significant manner anyway) in any weddings period. I am retiring from all that stuff (for the year anyway). I succeeded...now I am going to unretire...4/7
8. The US Economy will teeter on the brink of a recession…but it won't quite hit one. Boy did we hit a freight train of a recession or what...wow 4/8
9. I will be forced to stay in the country again without any opportunities to leave for the 2nd straight year and it will be sad and I may cry (I am kidding on the crying part). Sadly, I was right...5/9
10. Florida and Oklahoma will be chosen to meet in the 2009 BCS Championship Games. Now this has to be the call of the year! Trying to pat myself on the back but my arm is sore 6/10
11. Oil prices will end the year below the $100 a barrel mark. Thankfully so! 7/11
12. I will be on the verge of finishing one book or start writing another. Lets move on, shall we? 7/12
13. Doug will have another opportunity through the hands of God to go to another country which he hasn't been to before. ...did he? I don't recall. I'll put an incomplete here and someone let me know
14. Facebook will overtake MySpace as the most popular Social Networking site (not necessarily by numbers but by Q Rating) Right on again...Facebook is taking it to Myspace like "insert NFL team" took it to the Detroit Lions this season 8/13
15. Apple will come out another version of both the iPhone and the iPod sticking it to anyone who care to buy the biggest and latest coolest technology out there…fools like me. They do it all the time...it was a gimme call 9/14
So 9/14...64% completion rate! That would land you in the Pro Bowl at QB. Well...I will be writing up the next round of predictions later and keep an eye out for it.
PS: If here is a link to the original predictions if you care enough which you probably don't. Oh and if you have something you want me to make a call on...leave a suggestion in the comment and it might make the list.
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