Friday, June 13, 2008
Tim Russert "Signs Off" at 58
I am truly saddened today. My favorite Newsman in all of TV, Tim Russert, moderator of Meet The Press passed away today at age 58. I always enjoyed listening to Tim and especially enjoyed his analysis throughout the primary season which began last year. Tim was always so professional and objective. He asked tough questions of anyone and never backed down. His show, "Meet The Press" was one news show that I followed semi-religiously on NBC at 8am CT every Sunday morning. Until I had the ability to Tivo it, it caused me to be late to Church many a Sundays. I would save copies of the podcast on my computer and iPhone so that I can watch them again later. Tim also hosted the Tim Russert show on Saturday mornings at 11am CT, which I also followed throughout the primary season.
Tim seemed to be a family man always talking about the importance of his father in his life including writing two books about family. The News business has truly lost the very best. He will surely be missed by all those close to him and those of us who wished we knew him in person.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Lifestyle of the...CPA Candidate
I must apologize to my friends though for how often they see me i.e. a few minutes every week. I also want to warn you that it will pretty much be like this till November. I am only writing this on here because my parents do not have access to read my blog. I am somewhat trying to surprise them. They have been on me about it since I graduated and about once every other week, I get a call trying to persuade me to take the exam to which I respond, some day in the distant future, I will.
My study schedule is like this (if you are ever tempted to do this)- 2 hours every day from Monday to Thursday (likely to increase) and 6 hours on Saturday and an additional 3 - 4 on Sunday. Now, I can understand this as a schedule if you watching grass grow or paint dry...but studying accounting?
I think this should be the punishment for terrorists whether or not they can read. I mean, you make them study and sit for the CPA exam and I guarantee you, they will renounce extremism. Just tell them, hey, pass this and you are home free and they will be there for a long time. If they on their 20th try pass, yeah, I don't see them strapping C4 to themselves ever again.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Congratulations Senator Obama…Americans, Be Proud
*Warning, if you are overtly and insanely partisan and a Republican, stop reading right here to avoid being annoyed and ruining our relationship.
I would like for first congratulate Senator Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton for a hard fought campaign. I think it was good for the Democratic Party and the nation in general that a woman and an African American man were vying for a major party’s nomination for President. More importantly I want to congratulate Senator Barack Obama for winning that battle. Tuesday, the 3rd of June 2008 was a truly remarkable day in the history of the
Many of you dislike Obama for policy reasons and other issues that may or may not be legitimate. Regardless of that, I think most people will agree that this event is historical in a very good way. I think it raises the stakes for African Americans who are growing up in terrible situations. It lets them know that they can individually beat the odds and that the future isn’t set in stone. It should also be an encouragement to children of single moms as well as single moms themselves.
Now, I know a lot of people will credit so many other things for the success of the junior Senator from
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Few Phrases that need to be retired
This blog is strictly for laughs or at the very least a chuckle…for me anyway. Here are a few phrases I believe need to be retired and for that reason, I have added them to my daily repertoire to hasten the nature of their uselessness and over usage. I will like to say that they still crack me up when I hear them or say them. What can I say, I am easily amused. Feel free to add yours in the comment section and I will sure to consider it for the list…
1. Taking care of business – As in “I am just taking care business:” Usually used by someone trying to feel important. Also used in attempt to display, “I am busy, don’t mess with me.” Other uses exist but this is what comes to mind.
2. Keeping it real – As in “I am just keeping it real” or “let me keep it real with you.” Originated in the black community (at least that is what I think) and used in place of, “I’m just being honest with you.” While the genesis of those two phrases had great intentions, they have slowly begun to tether on the line of political incorrectness (with regards to prejudice of varying kinds) or just mean spiritedness. Sure other connotations exist. However, most of the context usually ends with one person being really upset and another thinking he has just done a favor.
3. The aforementioned “I’m just being honest with you.” Needs to be retired for all the above reasons. Other variations of the phrase include, “let me be honest with you” or “let me be frank (to which I say, why)”
4. Making things happen/ Getting things done – on the same line as the first one but I usually think “sinister dude” when I overhear this. Drug dealers make things happen. Mafia guys make things happen and so do dictators and scam artists. So please, let’s move on from this phrase.
5. Chief – Now this isn’t a phrase but nothing says, I don’t know your name and I don’t care like being called Chief. Variations include sir, Mr, dude (I like dude though)…many more
6. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger- either that or more bitter…time to go.
7. Superdelegate- Birth as a result of the Democratic Party, given life as a result of the elongated democratic primary. Now that it is over…they just need to go away.
8. It’s not you, it’s me – well, in that case enjoy the dialog below…
"Gwen: It's not you, it's me.
George: You're giving me the "it's not you, it's me" routine? I invented "it's not you, it's me". Nobody tells me it's them not me, if it's anybody it's me.
Gwen: All right, George, it's you.
George: You're d**n right it's me."
Seinfeld fans, that’s a favorite.
Well, that’s it for me…I may add more in the future in form of a new blog. I will also in the near future post a blog on “Dudes I do not want to be.” Here is a teaser…”Constant Bluetooth Headset Dude”