Monday, August 29, 2005

More Appologies

For those of you who ocassionally check out this blog for whatever reason (primarily boredom but nonetheless), I just want to say once again that I am sorry for not keeping it up to date. I have a few legitimate excuses.

Now for those of you who know me (and some that know me but do not know this), I just bought a house with my brother and that has been very consuming time wise. I am also working on a pretty big project at work and that has also found a way to take me away from this blog. Anyway, things are moving right along with life. It has been a really trying month but one I know that God did a lot of amazing things.

My buddies and I went out Friday night to go crash a few parties and sure enough, God showed up and someone else got saved. Pretty awesome. This guy though lives in town and maybe we will have an opportunity to hold his feet to the fire. Folks, thats all for now.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Back from another trip AND Interesting Saturday Night

I know, this is all boring work stuff but I just got back from Detroit, MI for a meeting for work. It went very well but the interesting thing a la things that interest only me is that, I have been gone out of town for a period of time for 4 straight weeks. I think this is also the first time that I have flown four weeks in a roll. I know, who care? Jeez, cut me some slack. Afterall, it is "life according to Ugo."

Anyway, school here at Pittsburg State University has begun and I have never been more excited about school in my entire life. Yes, those of you who know me know that it is primarily because I am all done with it but something happened this last Saturday that increased my interest for other reasons.

See, ever since I got back from North Carolina, I have been interested in doing something on Campus. I believed that God has called us to get people there saved and I know the time is now. I also feel more than ever before the need to give back to the hand that fed me (even though I paid the hand to feed me as well as other instate students...and maybe some athletes), but not in the form of money but in the name of Jesus.

Without further ado, I will tell you briefly what happened Saturday. For those that do not know, I just bought a house with my brother but we are in the process of closing and as such haven't moved yet. So right now, we are staying at a house on the Frat block which the church rents for thier Bible College. I have had a lot of awesome experiences living there but none like this. There was a huge party that night that spanned the whole block. To cut the story short, my brother as well as two other roommates and I went to crash the parties i.e. we went hunting for Philistines. Well, I got one and had the rest of the herd help me while we all brought him to the realization of the purpose of his life. By the wee hours of the morning, this young man commited his life to Christ and was filled with the Spirit. Unfortunately he doesn't live in town or go to school here but we all gave him our contact information and promissed to stay in touch.

Needless to say, I can't wait till Friday or Saturday night, whichever one they choose. Maybe even Wednesday night.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

My first Par

Folks, I got my first par ever on Tuesday i.e. two days ago. I was excited. I played just nine holes at the local golf course because there was not enough daylight to play 18holes. The first few holes, I was terrible. But then, I settled into triple and double bogey golf (I know thats still terrible but you now have an idea of the first holes). I love my driver except that I keep hooking it right.

Anyway, on the ninth hole, it is a par three with a water hazard in front of the green. Yes, it was bad. Well, I took my 3 wood and hit it with barely any daylight left and because the hole is down slopping, I did not see where the ball went. I was pretty sure it went in the water until I walked all the way past the hazzard and saw this white thing on the green. It was about 40 feet from the hole with a chance at a birdie. I pulled out the putter and hit the ball within 6 feet and drained it for par.

I stink at golf so if anyone has any tips out there, help a brother out.

What God has put on my heart

Guys it has been a while and once again I appologize. I will also appologize for the next few moments when I am away for too long. I have been busy with work, life, golf but I will try to be much better at updating my blog. The truth is that I do like to write and entertain those interested.

Anyway, I recently made a trip to Raleigh, NC to meet some friends that I never met before. Yeah, a friend of my friend is typically my friend. They are part of a local church there and I tell you what, I have never left a place more fired up in my Spirit about what God is doing with my generation. Things had seemed a little gloomy if you can tell from my previous posts. But it seemed like I went through an Elijah experience where he was whining to God about being the only one that wanted to serve God and how everyone else is either dead or not interested.

I am here to say that there are several people in my Generation ready to take on the world by storm. These guys in Raleigh got me to remember where we were at a few years ago in my church and in my circle of friends. This generation does await the manifestation of the sons of God and now is the time for us to start sacrficing to make sure that they see it. We have to get on our knees and pray and dig into the word. We need to start having some Holy Ghost attitude about what God has called us to do. We have talked about what God has called us to do on this earth BUT now is the time to start doing it our we turn into another generation that wanders the desert for another 40 years talking about it till we get passed over.

Thats my rant for today.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Quotable quotes

There are some sayings that move you, some that make you cry, some that you build your life on and some that are just so true that it makes you laugh. Here is one of the later...

"The man who can smile when something goes wrong has thought of someone to blame it on."

That got all the guys in my house rolling. Oh by the way, our House Mom laughed the loudest.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Shame on Me

I know, I know, it has been a week since I have posted anything (not that anyone really pays attention, I mean, who am I kidding). I just haven't had time or maybe desire to be on a PC much outside work. I mean, I left my laptop at work for the entire weekend. I had never left it for one day before. Well, I have been slightly busy with several things including work, my friends, another friend's wedding (once again, I was a groomsman) and of course now golf. No sweat, there are no more wedding till next year and nope, not mine either so techinically speaking, I am still a free agent.

So whats new out there? Well, I have been trying to cut back on entertainment and T.V. and maybe relating with people more and more about very important things like the cause of Christ and how to revive our generation. Sad to say but the state of our generation across almost every landscape is one of mediocrity and self-fulfilment. I want to be different and I know several people who are balking the trend. On that note, I do want to say Happy Birthday to Scott Squires. May your fire never dim even after you die. Don't worry, he is not leaving soon. He just turned 26.

Well, I have to go do other things now. I will write sooner than later.